Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy (CBT),
 EMDR  (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing)


“Counselling has helped me to see I have choices. I was totally switched off to everything. I was getting drunk in school and education was totally wasted on me. I now see education as something that is important. When I take my exams next year I know I will do well. My goal is to become a lawyer.”

Student, 15

“When my stress levels were so high that my eczema was at its all time worse I sought counselling as a last resort. After eight sessions I had overcome the obstacles which were causing me so much distress and my eczema was clear”.

Student, 22

“Nothing will bring my dad back but counselling has helped to come to terms with my loss”.

Mother, 41

“Counselling has made me feel normal and that the way I was feeling was understandable. It’s given me the tools and confidence to deal with the feelings I have.”

Retiree, 50

“Working with the counsellor has helped me to realise that my recovery from depression is a journey, not a destination as life is always full of ups and downs. Having a bad day doesn't mean I'm going to get depressed again, it's just a curve in the road.”

Engineer, 48

“Talking to the counsellor helped me to realise I'm normal and my thoughts are only thoughts - they are not going to come true just because I think them.”

Teacher, 26

“It's helped me to realise I have the right to look after my own needs and I don't have to put everyone else first.”

Grandmother, 68

“It's helped me to get myself back on track and to realise I'm o.k. as I am. I can get back into my studies, but I know I can always return to counselling if I need help in future.”

Student, 17

“I don't mean to sound dramatic, but counselling really is life changing.”

Project Manager, 36

“Counselling helped me to see that education is the foundation for my life. I couldn’t see the point before. "

Student, 16

“Counselling helped me to stop being bullied."

Student, 12

“Your past does not dictate your future."

Sales Manager, 35

“I was a prisoner in my own home and I had created that prison. "

Warehouse Manager, 55

“I can get on with my life and feel confident and competent instead of worrying what others think of me all the time. "

Head Hunter, 29

“I have so much confidence now. I feel happy. I could not have made the changes that I have without counselling. "

Homemaker and Mother, 33

What ever your particular situation is, at Hucknall Counselling, CBT & EMDR we offer Person Centred Counselling in a confidential, safe and non judgemental environment.